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Saturday, September 12, 2015

On Finding the Balance, Physical and Spiritual

Any messages today?

Keep your self earthbound, but only with light ties.

Yes, thank you.

Keep your treasures in Heaven. Jesus spoke about this often. Why? Because it was an important reminder, then as now, not to get caught up in the trappings of the physical world. They are temporal at best, and cannot give lasting joy and satisfaction.

Do not ignore the physical, but do not become obsessed with things of that realm. Your true and lasting happiness, and your long-term fulfillment lie elsewhere. What brings you the satisfaction you need is growing and expressing the love in your heart.

There are many ways you can do this. For example, beholding, within your deepest self, the sublime beauty, the sacred light within another. It is there, always, waiting to peek out at you when you take the time to look for it. Even they may not know it is there. They may have no idea how to express such an aspect of themselves.

Your simple act of beholding them in their transcendent beauty is a gift that will effect a small change on them for eternity, because it will feed their inner hunger, the empty feeling of their soul that longs to be loved, and appreciated. We do not overstate when we say this moment makes a permanent mark on their soul. All moments of Love and Divine Recognition do. All of these things feed the growth and beauty of your souls. And Love is always, always Eternal. We have touched on this before.

Beyond this, there are myriad ways to spread kindness and love to your fellow beings. You know many of them, and as you set your mind to finding more, many more possibilities will present themselves to you. Choose the ones you like best.

But we need to caution you not to go overboard. Know and respect your human limitations. There is no need to injure yourself or martyr your self for this cause. You deserve loving care and kindness, too.

This is enough for you to think on for a while. The only lasting satisfaction and joy is in this realm of Divine Recognition, Love, and Kindness.

We love and bless you this day, and behold the beauty of your soul. See how that works? We do it, too!


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photo credit: Kathleen & Travis 2 via photopin (license)

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