The Sanskrit word Namaste means 'I bow to the divine in you.' Here are several more interpretations:
Namaste ~ "The Spirit in me greets the spirit in you."
Namaste is an ancient Sanskrit understanding that says, "I respect the place in you that is of love, of truth and of Light. When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me then we are one."
defined by Mahatma Gandhi: In India when people meet and part they often say,
Namaste' which means: "I honor the place within you where the entire
Universe resides; I honor the place within you of love, of light, of truth, of
peace; I honor the place within you, where, when you are in that place in
you, and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us."
"I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides. I honor the place in you, where lies your love, your light, your truth and your beauty. I honor the place in you, where...if you are in that place in you ... and I am in that place in me...then there is only one of us"
... Leo Buscaglia
See pronunciation and more at The Namaste Cafe
Since my guides have been using "Namaste" a lot in their posts, I thought it might be helpful to add an explanation for those who are not familiar with this greeting. I love its meaning, and the reminder of the innate divinity within each of us. May we learn to live in, and operate from that space more and more in our lives.