
Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here. Spirit guides and ascended masters have been teaching me for over 25 years. It has been an educational, joyous and fulfilling journey. It's time to share it with you.

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There is enough material here to give you a lot to ponder; most of it is timeless. I encourage you to dig into the archives and see what speaks to you today.

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Friday, July 29, 2011

Your Soul At Rest/God's Room

There will come a time when your soul will find its place of rest.  You will know this by the peace you find within yourself, and the quiet of your mind.

Not only does this feel good, very good, but this is sacred space.  Sacred space within you.  Think about that.

In this quiet and peaceful place, you have created a space -- room -- for God to enter and truly reside, a dedicated place for the Divine to reside within you.  The Divine is always there within you, of course, but this changes the nature of your relationship.

It's the difference between a guest sleeping on your lumpy sofa and that guest having a room of their own, richly appointed, and always there for them to stay in as long as they want.  And God wants to be with you, and in you, always.

That place within you, if it is not complete already, is under construction as we speak.  When God moves in, you will feel a sense of rightness and release.

A tightness within you will be gone.  Your sense of loneliness and being alone in an alien universe will be a thing of the past.  Your emptiness will be but a memory, for your Divine Companion and Counterpart will be in residence now and forever.  That is what you have been missing.  Your days of emptiness are over, and you are complete once again.  

No more the need to reach for something else, something more.  No more feeling on edge.  You are mellow and content.  The war is over, and everybody won. 

This room, this quiet space, also makes communion and communication with the Divine much easier to accomplish and fuller in nature.  Furnish it in your mind, if you like.  Bring fresh flowers daily.  Make Him feel welcomed, loved, and appreciated in any way you can think of.

The gestures are noted and they actually do matter.  It's part of the give and take of your relationship.  Even though this is not a physical room, the plush carpeting or the fruit basket are understood, and touch God's heart.

You are closer to this place than you think.

We love and honor you as you slide into Home.  (smile)


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