
Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here. Spirit guides and ascended masters have been teaching me for over 25 years. It has been an educational, joyous and fulfilling journey. It's time to share it with you.

I am not doing this for fame or financial gain. My aim is solely to serve humanity and the Divine by listening, writing it down, and making it available to guide and inspire you. That is the sum total of my calling and my ambition.

I think there are people who need this. If you like what you see, please spread the word. If you find something you want to share, post a small portion and a link to the blog page from which it came. The URL for the article will pop up in your navigation bar when you click on the title. Cut and paste as needed. Spreading the word is the very best way to thank me and my sources.

There is enough material here to give you a lot to ponder; most of it is timeless. I encourage you to dig into the archives and see what speaks to you today.

Thank you for coming by. Know that the moment you made contact here, love and blessings have started flowing your way, from me, and from my many contacts. Even if you cannot hear them, they can hear you, so speak to them freely and know you are heard and understood. You never know, you just might get a reply!

Friday, September 18, 2015

A Message from the Heavenly Host

Hello. We are here. The Heavenly Host. 
You can see how many of us there are. We are, indeed, a multitude. We work together, we praise together, we move together as one mind, and many. 
Our joy is in the Lord, and in serving and promoting the Divine Ideal. It is our joy, it is our life, it is the work that makes our souls - and us - sing aloud. 
It is our joy, now, to be gathered around your small planet en masse, to love, uphold, and support you as you crescendo into a new way of being and understanding. 
This is a graduation of sorts, but it is also like being in labor. You are in the midst of a process, not unlike labor, that must be seen through. It cannot and indeed must not be interrupted until the task is completed. You might say this "labor" is your graduation exercise. We are, perhaps, your doulas. Your rebirth will take place on its own, without a midwife. 
Fruition is at hand. No bells and whistles, but a simple step forward. It will not be taken in unison, but many will move forward more or less together. 
We are here as guides, supporters, cheerleaders, and lovers. We are, and will be, infusing our love and the Lord's into every hidden recess of this place in which you are living. 
And we sing in joyous praise of the marvel of Creation. We invite you to join us in this song of joy. We invite you to celebrate the beauty and the miracles that abound, everywhere. 
Otherwise, just know that we are here, near to hand, ready to serve you and our Master. 
Blessings and Joy to you! 

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