If you have been reading here long, you know how much and how often we recommend and speak of the benefits of gratitude and appreciation. It is good for you, it's good for God, it's actually beneficial for the entire Universe. In your life, it should be up there with drinking water, eating wisely, and brushing your teeth. The benefits are equally direct and important.
Gratitude opens you to the flow of divine energy that exists throughout, and makes up the entirety, makes up All That Is. Including, of course, you. A healthy flow of this energy, in and through you, makes for a healthy, happy, thriving you. And a healthy, happy you had more the offer the Entirety, which includes all that is dearest to you. (As well as everyone and everything you hate, and whatever is in between.)
For this reason, we say to you one more time, for your own sake, if for no other reason, strive to make every day, and every moment of every day, a time of gratitude, a time for love, and inevitably, it will more and more become a time of joy.
Can you imagine, Beloved, having sheer Joy be the default setting for your entire existence here? Does it boggle your mind? We assure you that it is entirely possible, and suggest that this very possibility is a very good place to start giving thanks, right here and now.
No matter what else is happening, this is a marvelous world and an amazing Universe you were given to work and play in. Your field of opportunity is always expanding.
Grab for the gusto (we like that word!), and the way to do that is to open your eyes with appreciation and take this path to Joy and fuller expression of your wonderful, essential Self.
We give thanks for the wonder and joy of your existence, and for our small part in helping you along on your path to Completion.
You have our love and blessings, now and always.
Yes, giving thanks every day. :)