
Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here. Spirit guides and ascended masters have been teaching me for over 25 years. It has been an educational, joyous and fulfilling journey. It's time to share it with you.

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011


Gate for Courtesy and Respect, Seoul, Korea

 Remember always that you are very loved. 

Another aspect of Love that we want you to consider, is respect, and value.  To truly love someone or something, you must respect and value it.  To act on this love, you must treat it/them accordingly. 

Words without action are useless.  To say you love and respect someone, or even a concept, and then disregard it, or step all over it - this is not real love.  It is going through the motions of a sham.  You may fool yourself, talking of love, but no one with insight will be fooled. 

There are those who preach love but practice hatred and disrespect.  They devalue certain people or groups of people, or beliefs or practices other than theirs.  This, too, is not love.  Anyone with discernment knows the difference.  Wrapping yourself in the robes of a religion, or the flag of a country, does not make this behavior worthy of adulation or respect. 

In Love, you can disagree with someone completely, yet still respect their right to think and be as they choose.  That right ending where injury of another begins. 

And, by the way, speaking of injury, devaluing someone else, or their abilities, their intellect, their choices in life, is very damaging, to you and to them. 

  • Practice respect.
  • Practice nonjudgment.  (A good way to stay out of trouble.)
  • Practice treating the lowliest as though they are highly important, for they are.  They are.  Beneath that shabby or humble disguise is an angel, or a prince.  

No one lowly incarnates here. 

This is a high-level game.  Only the best need apply for admission. 

We are glad you are here. 


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