The people you touch electronically feel your energy, as well. People who talk to you on the telephone. People who read your emails or see your posts online somewhere, and more. This may all make sense to you, but did you realize that even when you think of someone, someplace, or something, your energy affects them, as well? It gives new meaning to the commercial jingle, "Reach out and touch someone." So, your influence spreads much further than you may have initially thought.
We want you to know that, by nurturing your connection to Source, everything energy-related about you will improve, from your health to your happiness, to the size of your sphere of influence and its ability to help, uplift, and bless those around you in the real and virtual worlds. Your love and help and comfort can even travel through time if you intend such.
Play with it, enjoy the process of thinking of new times and places and people to comfort and bless. And never doubt you are doing something real and something of value. Doubt weakens the effort, and that's not what we want, do we? (smile)
And, your energy can lash out in anger with a genuine sting or slug, if you have a fit of temper, with a real effect on the recipient. So beware: The more energy you carry, the more damage you can do with it. Something to keep in mind.
We'll be touching more on this in the future, as well.
Love and blessings from our hearts to yours.
Image: nuttakit /
Image: renjith krishnan /
Image: renjith krishnan /
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