You are God's creation and His beloved child, literally flesh of His flesh.
The person who hurts you, is distorted him or herself. And the distortion spreads outward. They withhold love or inflict pain or use you because they are incomplete and in pain. The howling void within them cries out for company, so they create it the only way they know how.
It isn't about you and it never was. It is about them, their pain, their deficiencies, their blind spots. Even when they mean well, or think they mean well, these things get in the way.
It will still hurt, but remembering that this is their distortion and it need not become yours, will help.
Pray for them and their distortion and blind spots. pray that they become more whole and more healed. Pray that the current barriers within them dissolve into nothingness so that their being can grow and fill the voids within them. And then let go. Put it all in God's hands, and let go. Your job is done, except for the forgiveness part. Be patient with yourself as you visit and revisit that one.
Thus will the Universe become whole, too.
We offer you our love and blessings, and our prayers for your wholeness, and an end to your pain.
Image: Michal Marcol /
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