
Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here. Spirit guides and ascended masters have been teaching me for over 25 years. It has been an educational, joyous and fulfilling journey. It's time to share it with you.

I am not doing this for fame or financial gain. My aim is solely to serve humanity and the Divine by listening, writing it down, and making it available to guide and inspire you. That is the sum total of my calling and my ambition.

I think there are people who need this. If you like what you see, please spread the word. If you find something you want to share, post a small portion and a link to the blog page from which it came. The URL for the article will pop up in your navigation bar when you click on the title. Cut and paste as needed. Spreading the word is the very best way to thank me and my sources.

There is enough material here to give you a lot to ponder; most of it is timeless. I encourage you to dig into the archives and see what speaks to you today.

Thank you for coming by. Know that the moment you made contact here, love and blessings have started flowing your way, from me, and from my many contacts. Even if you cannot hear them, they can hear you, so speak to them freely and know you are heard and understood. You never know, you just might get a reply!

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Be At Peace

Be at peace in your hearts.  The greater peace there, the more unrestricted and undistorted the flow of Divine Energy through you will be. 

There are tools you can find and use to assist in this.  Music is one of the best and easiest to access.  You know what works for you. 

Also, the greater the peace inside of you, the greater the peace that will be reflected outside of you.  This is a universal law.  So again we say, be at peace. 

Peace is especially important at this particular time.  Your world needs it more than usual.  Your peace clears the air, literally.  Imagine the peace of a cold, crystalline midnight.  This is the place, the energy to go for. 

Find your peace and let it spread outward in every direction.  Watch it affect your family, your coworkers, those who come your way seemingly by accident.  This is a precious gift you give, sharing your deep, inner calm and quiet. 

You can still be happy, still have fun, and still be still within.  

FYI:  This is from another group of beings I work with, not the usual ones who give me the articles for this blog.  You may notice the stylistic difference.  Be assured that I know these beings well, and they have given me information I could verify independently.  They have my complete trust.  - Orea

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