Hold yourself in harmony. When you find that place of harmony with the Universe, and learn to keep yourself in that space, something remarkable happens. Your energies build, both yours and that of the Universe, because they amplify each other.
Not only are you better able to access the Universal energy when you are open and receptive and harmonious, your own energy also starts to burgeon and grow. And here's even better news: That energy you are nurturing and growing, is the agent of change, good change. Beneficial change. The kind of change that brings more blessings into your life, blessings of a kind and variety that you can't even begin to anticipate.
All of this, from achieving and maintaining harmony in yourself and your life. Alls of this, from the simple practices we mentioned in our last message to you.
Your practice of lovingkindness and appreciation can lead to all of this, to a significant transformation for you. And, your transformation will affect those around you, those who come into contact with you, those in your sphere of influence, which will increase, as well.
We can't even enumerate the many ways one change, or one blessing, will lead to another. It's a powerful genesis of something grand and momentous. And it all starts with those simple little practices that take so little time and effort from your day.
Start your own particular snowball rolling and see where it goes.
We love and bless you today, and always.
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