For so long we have walked around, walked about in the world feeling empty, feeling incomplete, wondering why we don't feel the way we'd like to, wondering what is missing in our lives and in ourselves, that we don't feel whole, and full, and satisfied with ourselves and our lives.
And so we have spent our lives trying to fill ourselves and our lives with...things, and activities, organizations, beliefs, and more things. With hobbies, with gossip, with "entertainment." Meaningless entertainment. In fact most of it is meaningless, isn't it.
We fill our lives with these meaningless things, and wonder why our lives lack meaning, why we still feel empty. It's like eating a meal of Styrofoam peanuts and wondering why we're still hungry.
The answer, paradoxically enough, is to empty yourself so that God can fill you. To empty out the dross so there is room for the gold.
Opening yourself is a joyous and natural thing to do. Holding yourself ready to receive love, to receive kindness, to receive blessings and gifts that you can't even begin to imagine. You, who couldn't "get no satisfaction," will find yourself fully satisfied. You, who thought you'd never get enough, will find that you have. You did, and you have.
So open yourself to God. Open yourself and say, "Fill 'er up! And make it high octane!"
We love and bless and honor you. Say "thank you" to receive.
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