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Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Value of Dreams

Be careful around someone else's dreams.  When you crush them, it's like a murder of sorts.

A dream has a life of its own.  It needs to be protected, and cherished, and nurtured to grow and become strong and resilient.  In its early days, it can be very fragile. 

Not all dreams will come to fruition, but that doesn't make them less valuable.  Why?  Because even dreams that don't come true are part of who you are, and the help you become more of who you are, or more fully who you can be.  These dreams are the fuel and the building blocks of the future you. 

Even if they never manifest on the physical plane, they are real.  They do exist somewhere.  And they do have a life, of their own.

Never doubt that your dreams and aspirations as a human being serve a purpose.  They shape you as you grow - and you grow continually.  Even the  silliest and most preposterous dreams, those a child might have, deserve love and respect.  So don't laugh at or belittle them, whether they are yours or someone else's.  To attack a dream is to attack the one who has it.  To destroy a dream is to destroy a piece of the dreamer.

Give them space to grow, to flourish, and even to die on their own or be replaced.  But don't kill them or hasten their end in the name of being "realistic."  On the other hand, don't feel you need to make every dream come true.  That simply can't and shouldn't happen, either.  Reality does intervene eventually.

But remember that a lot more is real than you real-ize.  And dreams are more valuable than they may seem.

We bless you and wish you good dreams.

Image: Salvatore Vuono / FreeDigitalPhotos.net


  1. The little girl by the gate reminds me of myself when I was young and such a dreamer. I believe that dreams do serve a purpose, and that they come from a higher place.
    I bless you and wish you good dreams too Orea.
    Warmest wishes,
    ~ Debra

  2. Why are there so many songs about rainbows
    And what's on the other side?
    Rainbows are visions, but only illusions,
    And rainbows have nothing to hide.
    So we've been told and some choose to believe it
    I know they're wrong, wait and see.
    Someday we'll find it, the rainbow connection,
    The lovers, the dreamers and me.

    I love these lyrics. I had been branded with the name a "dreamer"
    when I heard this song I realized it was okay to be a dreamer that the dreamers are the ones that move the world.

    I am now following another dreamer


  3. I think the world needs dreamers, and we all need our dreams. :-)

    My favorite line above is this one: To destroy a dream is to destroy a piece of the dreamer. I think that says it all.
