Everything you do it improved by a better connection to God-Source. You have heard of "performance enhancers"? There is no finer one than God, and He has no side effects, save good ones.
A heart loving God is a heart lightened. A mind opened to God is a mind more receptive to good ideas and valuable guidance.
A person who tries to live a life attuned to the God vibration will naturally find themselves to be "luckier". Their days will be more rewarding in the intangibles, as well.
A mind attuned to God tends to wear a smile on its face much more of the time. And people will respond to you better, and more warmly, when you carry that smile with you.
You will feel yourself uplifted above some of the rocks and bumps in your path.
Turn to God with love and gratitude in every possible moment, and enjoy the results. This is how it was meant to be.
We love you because we see the God-Light within you. It's peeking out no matter how well you think it's hidden! A Truth this important cannot remain hidden for long.
Blessings to you this day.
Amen to that.... God's grace sees me through each day and for thatI am grateful. ;-)