Each of you, however, has a perfectly good Truth Detector built right into you. You need to learn to trust it and to use it. This is sometimes called learning to stand in your own power.
It's really essential, because one person's truth may not be another's. Truth really isn't "one size fits all." In the end, each of us must determine by and for ourselves which things we believe, and which tenets we value.
There is only one being who has enough information to best guide your path, and that is you. You may pick up wisdom here or there, in tiny snippets or in great lumps. You may find there is a fount of knowledge within yourself, and you have no idea how it got there! Either way, it is up to you to recognize it and determine when and how to apply it.
Until you find and master your personal Truth Detector, we are here and happy to provide our thoughts and insights to you. Please, please, don't - DO NOT - swallow everything whole and forego examining the contents because we sound good or plausible.
What we really hope to do is render ourselves out of a job. We'd much rather have you breaking free because you no longer need us as guides or teachers than keep you on a string eternally. We can (and will) always be your friends, instead.
We love and bless you this day, knowing you won't always need training wheels. (smile)
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