Don't try to spread yourself too thin. You can't be all things to all people. There are things only you can do. Try to figure out what those are, for they are the important ones.
As for the rest, if you can delegate some of them, do so. Otherwise, sort out what is important, time-wise, and what can wait for later. It's better, often, to do less, and do it well, rather than crowd in more and not do things so well.
Try to take the longer view: What will really matter in the end? When you look back at the close of life, will it matter at all whether you did this, or not?
If you are going to specialize in life, specialize in being you, and offering the world the gifts and riches that only you can bring to the mix.
We will all be richer for it.
Let our love and blessings accompany you this day.
:) Kind and encouraging!