So you made some mistakes, probably some foolish ones. Everybody does, when life comes at them with things they weren't prepared to handle.
Don't waste your time on regret. You'll have to be satisfied with being imperfect. Maybe, just maybe, that was the way things were intended. Maybe God finds imperfection a lot more interesting than the alternative. Something to think about.
Regretting the past is a waste of time and energy, which will only give you one more thing to regret in the future!
Make the most of now, and all it has to offer. Do the best you can with what you are and what you have, knowing it's not going to be perfect. Never mind, live it as fully as possible!
Do your best, and let the rest go hang. You can't control everything. You never could, and you were never meant to. Do the best with what you can control, and as for the rest, trust. Trust.
Trust that it's all as it should be even if you don't begin to understand it all. Do your part, and trust. That's the way to get the most out of your allotted time here.
We love and bless you this day, and always.
How true! Thank you for your writing. :)