
Welcome! I'm glad you found your way here. Spirit guides and ascended masters have been teaching me for over 25 years. It has been an educational, joyous and fulfilling journey. It's time to share it with you.

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Friday, September 9, 2011

Don't Hang On

Be accepting of changes as they come into your life.  Bend with the breeze.  Be willing to flow into different channels as circumstances change.  

People come into relationships of some kind, be it friendship or romance, and then move apart and go their separate ways.  Some friendships are only for a season.  You have something to share and then it's over.  

It's not a failure because it doesn't last forever.  Sometimes the exchange is only meant to be a short one.  You had business to transact, an agreement to fulfill, and when that is done, there is no tie to draw you together any more.  

During the past several decades, more business has come up that only needed a short time to complete.  Hence, the shorter, more transient relationships you are seeing these days.  

Imagine, if you will, someone with a very lengthy checklist of things to be accomplished.  Naturally, in order to get it  all done, they can't dally.  

Why are we telling you this?  Just so you'll know, and perhaps understand a bit better when this sort of thing comes up.  You feel like someone is a close and dear friend, and then suddenly, pfft, you have nothing in common any more.  It's done.  

This is a time of wrapping up loose ends.  For some, there are quite a few to be dealt with.  Let it be what it is, and don't let yourself be drawn into judgment, of others, or of yourself.  It's all okay. 

Don't hang on when it's over.   Open your hands and let go, in perfect trust, knowing that more good will always come your way, than you released in good faith.  There is always something better en route, even before the last thing ended.  

You don't need to hoard and save relationships that are past their expiration date.  There are wonderful new, fresh ones always available for you to enjoy.  To hang on is to act in fear, and that is never healthy for anyone involved.  

Please note that there are other situations, also.  Some of you saw this as a last chance to be together on this plane, and you leaped at the opportunity to spend another lifetime here, enjoying each others' company in ways that are unique to this locale, while you go about other business, entirely.  If you are one of these, you, too, must guard against judgment of those whose path diverges from yours.  Keep your eyes on your own copybook, please.  

We love you and honor you, as always, in perfect Joy and Bliss.  
