What's up with that? Why the issue deja vu?
You heal on levels. As you progress, deeper hurts and partially healed issues come to the surface, to your attention, for healing. As much as you would like them to just begone once and for all, often these things leave a little trace behind, a rootlet, if you will, that can grow and emerge again later. It's actually a little piece of coded energy-with-information that can encode other energy over time.
When you are dealing with something like this, it is a good idea to ask your team, or your angels, or God to help you remove any trace of that misguided energy from your being. Also, practice forgiveness around this issue in any and every way that seems appropriate. This will help eradicate it more thoroughly, as well.
In the meantime, don't be upset or hard on yourself when things pop back up and bite you again. You are making progress, remember that. Just as you revisit certain subjects each year in school (What? I have to take math again?!), these issues return so that you can deal with them on a higher level than before.
One day they really will all melt away and just be history. And we will celebrate that day with you.
Until then, be patient with yourself and your all-too-human foibles. You'll get through it all. It just won't seem fast enough.
We send our love and blessings.
Foibles are what make us humble. Delightful post. :)